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Launch Jacking For Beginners In 2020

Whether you are already in to internet marketing or not, you may wanna learn more about launch jacking and how to make money online using it.

Launch Jacking is a method with which online marketers try to rank their articles or videos for keywords that do not exist yet. This marketing strategy takes advantage of new product launches and digital marketers try to write reviews and rank for easy keywords.

Think about it for a second.

If a product or keyword does not exist yet, there is not so much competition and when the company launches the product you will be one of the first and few people to have written content about it?

Makes sense, right?

launch jacking rocket

In this article, we will discuss what launch jacking is, in detail, and how you can make money using it step by step. I have been doing this for quite a long time now and it is one of the first methods that I used to make money online.

You can actually build this method into a real business online.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

What is Launch Jacking?

Launch Jacking is a marketing strategy that we use to take advantage of products that are about to be launched. This helps us find easy keywords before competition increases dramatically.

What we do next?

Next, we create an article or a Youtube video( depends on your preferences) and we try to rank this article on the first page of Google before the product is launched.

When the product is launched, people are going to search it on Google or Youtube and they will look for reviews.

If your review ranks on the top page of Google(preferably number one) it will attract much traffic after the launching day.

There are literally hundreds of products that are being launched every single day. Large companies or marketers with huge email lists create a hype around a specific product and people are searching for it like crazy.

As you can easily understand, since the product is brand new, there won’t be as many reviews for it and you will have a real chance of ranking on Google, (of course you won’t rank for every review you write, though)

google search bar

How much can you make with Launch Jacking?

Launch Jacking is a relatively beginner’s friendly method that can make you a lot of money. Launch jacking is actually a small part of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is the process of promoting other people’s products or services for a commission.

However, in Launch Jacking, you promote products that do not exist yet.

There are many places where you can find these products that are about to be launched and I will you exactly how to do it.

In these places, there are many products and you should choose products that have these 3 characteristics.

  • High Commissions
  • 10,000$+ Prize money
  • Much Information and demos

You should always choose your products wisely and try to follow what I tell you.

High commissions and prizes help you make more money and demos and much information about the products helps you create a detailed review so that people trust you and buy the product.

There are 3 kinds of launches:

  1. Small Launches
  2. Medium Launches
  3. Big Launches

Small Launches can make you from $50 to $500, medium lanches can make you from $500 to $1000 while big launches can make you from $1000 to $10,000.

You can take part in as many launches as you want. With that being said, you can make a lot of money using this method.

This method is very good for beginners because it does not require a perfect article for you to rank on the top of Google. A good article may be just fine for you.

But let’s take everything step by step so that you know exactly what you have to do.

what is launch jacking, content is king crown

Launch Jacking Tutorial: Part 1

The first step to making money online with this method is finding a platform in which there are products that are about to be launched. My favourite platform to do so is

This platform is really good and has a lot of products that you can possibly choose from.

As I have previously briefly told you, you should choose products that offer high commissions, prizes but also products that have nice sales pages and much information about the product so that you can create a proper review about it.

If you like a product but there is not much information about it, one thing you can do is contact the company via email and ask them for a demo or some more information for the product. More often than not, they will be willing to give it to you since you want to promote their company and product.

I won’t make things complex here. You just go to, you do your research and then you choose a product. Your choice may not be perfect if you do this for the first time but you will repeat this process over and over again you will be just fine doing it.

Let’s move on to the next step.

Launch Jacking Tutorial: Part 2

The second step to making money with launch jacking is to create a review or even 1-2 more pieces of content for the product. The main way you can do that is by using:

  1. Blogging( via a website)
  2. Youtube

Both Blogging and video creation are very good ways to create content for launch jacking. It is just up to you which one you prefer.

In my opinion, it is good for you to target these 3 keywords:

  • Product Name + Review
  • Product Name + Bonuses
  • Product Name + Scam

Youtube has been growing rapidly over the past few years and it is an amazing platform to create content but some people fear creating videos or to show their faces on-camera…

If you are one of those people it is ok.

Creating a website is now easier than ever before. You do not need any specific knowledge in order to create a website from scratch. In fact, I have created a step by step tutorial to help you do that literally click by click, that you can find here.

Optimize Your Review For The Search Engines

Having a website or a Youtube channel is the one part but creating a piece of content that will rank on Google or Youtube is a whole different story.

Every article or video needs to have at least basic Search Engine Optimization. In short, you should follow these easy rules to increase your chances of ranking higher on Google.

  • Optimize Website’s Speed (This can be done using a fast hosting platform, a cache plugin and an image compression plugin)
  • Optimize Titles, Descriptions and meta descriptions using your focus keyword
  • Use Inbound and Outbound Links (Links to some of your other articles and to other relative websites with high authority)
  • Use H2 and H3 headings including your focus keyword( for example ”product name + Review”
  • Use bullets, numbered lists, and small paragraphs as you can see in this article.
  • Use Visuals. (Images, Videos, Infographics)
  • Use tags
  • Use the alternative text option on images including your focus keyword and variations.
  • Cloak your affiliate link (adding the no-follow property with Pretty Links Plugin)

These are the most important aspects of basic on-page SEO. If you do all of these in every review, I am sure that you will make a lot of money and your reviews will rank on Google.

muncheye logo

Launch Jacking Tutorial: Part 3

After you have created and uploaded your amazing piece of content, it is time for you to promote it as much as you possibly can.

This can mostly be made via social media platforms and via your email list if it happens to have one. Promoting your content is crucial for Google to rank it faster and higher.

Google wants people to interact with your content, read it, share it, etc and this is absolutely a ranking factor.

The more social signals you have, the better Google will rank your content.

Plain and simple. Don’t skip this step. It is important.

The 2 Secrets For Success


launch jacking bonuses

You may wonder why people should buy from you? Only because you were high on Google rankings and you wrote a good detailed review?

Yes, in some cases, this is enough for you to make some sales and earn money.

But, if you want to really stand out and beat your competition, you should do this.

Offer some good bonuses.

This is the secret and the step that most people skip. Offering some good bonuses can really make the difference between succeeding and failing in this business model.

Also, many people get this completely wrong. They try to offer too many bonuses for example 30-40 crap bonuses that no one cares about.

Your bonuses should focus on things that your prospect may need when he buys the product you promote. For example, free training, a course, a ready for them sales funnel, your personal support, and more…

But, your bonuses have to provide some real value in order to work.

All in all, providing bonuses is a great way to beat your competitors and incentivize people to buy through your affiliate link and not through someone else’s.

Indexing Your Content Fast Is Absolutely CRUCIAL

You should never choose a product that launches in 1 week or so. The products you choose should launch in 2 weeks or more.

Google normally needs 2 weeks in order to rank a piece of content by the time you hit the publish button in your WordPress dashboard. So, is there a way you can force Google to rank your articles faster or immediately?

Hopefully yes, and I will tell you exactly how to do it.

If you do this for the first time, you should go to Google Webmaster, sign in and add your website which is extremely easy. You just write your domain name (your website name) inside the box and hit continue.

Then, they will ask you to copy some text to your DNS record. Don’t mess with this. Just contact your hosting provider which for me is Bluehost or WPX hosting and tell them that you want to paste this text to DNS record in order to add your website in Google search console and in 2 minutes they will do this for you.

Actually, Bluehost has helped me a ton with all this stuff that I am unable to do myself. Their customer support does everything for you.

You will only need to do this one time.

Then, the only thing you need to do is just copy your article’s URL and paste it into Google Search Console bar at the top, hit enter, and then click on Request Indexing, and you are done.

UPDATE: Manual indexing is not possible anymore in Google Search Console. Google crawls your site automatically.

If you have already added your website, you just copy your article’s URL and go to the search console. This process literally takes me 10 seconds but it is very important. Our articles must be indexed immediately and not in 2 weeks time.

indexing a site in google search console

This is really significant for launch jacking. DON’T SKIP IT.

Final Words

Launch Jacking is one of my favorite methods to make money online because it is easy and cheap.

In launch jacking, we take advantage of product launches and we create content around these products before they even hit the market. We do this because the competition is very low and we can rank on Google much easier.

Making money online, in general, is not an easy task. However, launch jacking is one of the easiest ways to do it.

There will be times that your reviews won’t rank on the top page of Google and you won’t make any sales but that’s life. Nothing is easy, otherwise everyone would do it. The most important tip I can give you is to stay consistent and don’t quit. If you provide value, you will eventually make money.

That’s it for today’s topic. I hope you liked it!

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